Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Riders of the Pony Express

Riders of the Pony Express by Ralph Moody was an engaging, interesting book. It didn't have quite enough factual information to sate my curiosity about the Pony Express, but the quality of writing made up for any lack. Ralph Moody has a way of making you feel like you are experiencing what is happening, not merely listening to it being talked about.

The book begins with an introduction to the origins of the Pony Express. The main body of the book describes the initial race between the western riders and the eastern riders, and the book is concluded with some final details about the Pony Express as a whole. By presenting information in this format, the author was able to depict the riders in such an interesting way that you nearly forget that you are reading non-fiction.

This was adventure reading and book learning all wrap into one slim volume. Enjoyable for adults and children alike. Thumbs up!

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