Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Photographic Recap of Summer

As expected, summer was crazy; and of course the advent of a new school year comes with promises of more to come. Sometimes the only proper way to combat the quick pace of life is with some time spent in reflection. Upon looking through my photos of the last few months I found many smiles, inspiring me to share.  This is what our summer looked like:
We began our summer with trips to Disneyland and Knott's Berry
Farm.  Here's my youngest varmint at Knott's.
One of those internet pics that reminds me so much of
one of my friends that I keep it on my phone.  Makes me happy. :)
My girls (the two in front) loved horse camp at the beginning of summer.
The stables are such a fun change in pace from the rest of the city.
As a precursor to viewing a failed fireworks show in San Diego for Independence Day,
we took our kiddos on a trip to the Wild Animal Park.  What a beautiful habitat
for these animals! A day to remember.
The part of Northern California where I grew up suffered from major wildfires
this summer.  Wildfires are much scarier than earthquakes, just so you all know.
My family!  Yes, we are a bunch of goofs.  This apparently seemed like
the proper way to pose whilst outside the capitol building in Sacramento.
Perspective:  this wall is 7.5 ft. high, but it looks like
so much more when your child is hanging off the edge.
In which I discover that the English language is indeed lacking.
Why don't we borrow many Japanese words?  We need this one.

I've learned how to knit this year!  Here's a shot of my foot modeling
my 5th pair of socks.  (Sweaters, here I come!)
My 11-year old made her first quilt.  Proud momma here.
My older brother got married in Australia this summer.
I was unable to attend, but did get to meet the joy of his life
when they came to California during July.  Happiness!
Decisions, decisions.  Designing our remodel absorbs brain cells
that could be put to use reading books instead.


  1. Aww, thanks for taking us on a tour of your life this summer. I think you take on an amazing number of things!

    1. And still so many things that I don't get around to! I'm always amazed at how quickly summers fly by.

  2. I love the photos! A quilt??? My dd would like to learn how to sew a quilt, but it seems so difficult!

    1. I work well with quilting because it is very straightforward. Sewing clothing is a whole other business - but I do pretty good with two dimensional items. :) The thing that makes the biggest difference with quilting is the proper tools. If you can find a rotary cutter, mat, and ruler, then It just takes being able to cut and sew straight. Somehow that all sounds very simple in my brain. :)

  3. I just discovered all these pictures. So much fun!


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