How do you approach a book when you see it for the first time? Whether it is in the bookstore, library, or on someone else's shelf, do you have a standard way for finding out what that new book is all about?
I read How to Read Novels Like a Professor last year, (one of my least favorite books of the year,) and in it the author claimed that when people approach a book for the first time, they always turn to the first page and read the first sentence...they never turn directly to the middle of the book. When I read that, I was both amused and irritated because I don't know if I have ever turned directly to the first sentence when looking at a book for the first time. Certainly first sentences are important, and I enjoy comparing them, but that's not how I approach a book. I want to be a bit better acquainted with a book before I go reading its first sentence. Here's how I go about it:
I look at the cover: the title, the author, the art, the awards/comments; I look at the back cover: who reviewed it? does the summary hold my interest? anything else interesting? If it's a hardcover I'll look at the inside flaps for the same sort of information. Then I slowly fan through the book--backwards, mind you--to get a general idea of the book: font size, feel of the paper, density of words on a page, amount of dialog. I stop at random places while flipping to read a sentence or two; getting an idea of the writing style. By the time I've reached the front of the book again, and take another look at the front cover, I have a pretty good idea of whether I'm interested in reading it or not. I actually don't usually read the first sentence until I've purchased or borrowed the book and put in on my "To Be Read" or "Currently Reading" list.
I found out recently that this is almost exactly how my dad looks at a new book too. But then discovered that my older brother and mom do it very differently--but equally similar to each other. Time to approach my younger brother to see what he does! What do you do?
That is very interesting! Both what was said in that book and your method, too. I'm pretty laid-back, I guess. If a cover catches my eye, I'll take a peek at the back (or inside flaps) to read the synopsis. If it sounds good, I go for it. I NEVER read any portion of a book until I'm ready to read the whole thing.