Monday, August 8, 2011

Challenge Musings: Week 1

This morning, after spending some time in my Google Reader, I took care of some emails, which ended up leading me to LibraryThing and before I knew it I was longing over all the books I have that are waiting to be read.  September will not want for reading material--far from it!

So it has been one week of novella reading and I already need to refocus?  I think that's partially because the last book I read (Mathilda by Mary Shelley, review forthcoming) was so fabulous that I need a little break to absorb it before moving on.  You know how that goes?  Plus, my next book (Balzac) is taking some patience to push through.  Here's a visual of how the challenge is going:

That small stack of books on the left? Those are the ones I've read.  That mountain on the right?  Waiting to be conquered.  Still, so far so good...some very good experiences so far, and hopefully many more to come.  This weekend was full of relaxing reading, writing down quotes, and taking breaks with some quilt designing.  It's always harder for me to get reading done during the week, but the next handful of novellas are on the smaller side, which should help.  I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with my individual novella reviews, but I'm going to give it a shot.

On a side note, since Amazon has severed their affiliate connections in California, many of my image links (in past posts) seem to be broken, so I've got some blog repair/clean-up to do at some point as well.  I'm hoping that won't clog your Readers and Feeds with old posts, but I'm not real sure how that works...anyone have experience with that before I dive into it?


  1. Love the photos! The books look so thick--like they are full fledged novels.

  2. I love finding books so good that I want to copy out quotes from them :)

    Love the photos too!

  3. Coming in late here but I love your quote notebook! It looks like it is just plum full of juicy tidbits.

    Good job on the novellas! I look forward to reading your wrap up at the end of August.

  4. I just don't get tired of book pictures--loveliness! I hadn't planned on keeping a notebook for all my novella quotes, it just kind of happened, but it's worked out really nicely.


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