Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Giving Thanks

I adore our week of Thanksgiving. We gather family around us and cook like mad for days and days. Books and Kindles are strewn across every available surface and for once they are not all mine. Puzzles, old photographs, funny stories, cooking, cleaning, (and a touch of politics to spice it up,) make the act of remembering nearly synonymous with giving thanks. Being up in the mountains with snow flurries filling the sky doesn't hurt either.

And you, fellow book fiends: I am thankful for you as well.  Knowing there are like-minded folk out there gives me reason to be thankful every day. My thoughts are with you all today—I hope you are able to find a moment of peace and a kernel of joy. Happy November!


  1. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving week!

  2. The images of books and Kindles strewn around is very comforting to me! Hope you had a wonderful time.


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