Saturday, October 17, 2015

My First 24-Hour Readathon! (Start-Up Post)

I'm so excited to have found out about Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon just in time!

My blog has been bare bones for a while now, and now that my home remodeling project is just about complete I'm very ready to build more book-blogging-friendships. What better way than through a readathon? This weekend happens to be a rare low-key weekend for me: perfect timing.

I pulled out a bunch of possibilities for reading material, focusing on lighter reading as well as a few I need to get read sooner rather than later (a couple pre-reads for my 11yo, and my next book club pick).

Since the readathon officially began at 5am Pacific Standard Time, an ungodly hour for a long-awaited Saturday, the first part of my day went like this:

Hour 1: sleep
Hour 2: wake up and go back to sleep
Hour 3: sleep
Hour 4: sleep
Hour 5: wake up and speed through an R.L. Stine book

Now heading into Hour 6, it's time for me to make some coffee and get serious about settling into a book.  And charging my laptop.

I'll be balancing out my first read with the new Indiespensable pick from Powell's Books: Did You Ever Have a Family by Bill Clegg.  So far, (just barely into it,) I'm enjoying my first readathon!


  1. I havnt been able to participate in years but it's so much fun! Enjoy!

  2. I havnt been able to participate in years but it's so much fun! Enjoy!

  3. Yeah! I'm glad you joined. I'm doing pretty well with The Warden by Trollope. I had to take 2 hours off to help an elderly lady to the bank. It took 2 hours. :/ But, I've made good progress for me.


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